The Sound of a Camels Back Breaking  

The #HeroOfBelgium delivers a devastating blow: “click here to watch”

written by J.D. Aubé - March 29, 2016

Is it just me or did that punch landing sound eerily similar to a camels back being broken in 10 different places?

Now, I know that I’m never supposed to condone violence under almost virtually any circumstances. At least that’s what “they” tell me, but haven’t we all had enough yet?

Who are “they” you might be wondering? They are people like the man you see getting popped in the face in the videoclip. They are the individuals who make no qualms about getting in your face to openly boast about their approval for the systemic destruction of westernized countries and cultures. Therefore it is completely understandable why they don’t want you to use violence on them. Obviously… for reasons made perfectly clear in that video. No, they would prefer to be the ones dishing out all of the abuse(as they have been for quite some time) while you just sit there and take it. And nevermind that, they want to be able to shout you down as a racist and a bigot, or a fascist while they do this.

You might also be asking yourself, who is this ‘we’ that is being referred to? “We” are Westerners, the progeny of the individuals who have been inhabitants of Europe and North America for hundreds of years. You know, those people that built the amazing civilizations and countries that everyone wants to move to. We are the inhabitants of countries and civilization that “they” are currently trying to undermine at every turn conceivable. If you are wanting to come here legally and to integrate yourselves respectfully we generally don’t have a problem with that. However, we start to get upset when you attempt to bring your backwards deathcult religion along with you, or try to take advantage of us through our social services.

Some of you may disagree with the methods used by the #HeroOfBelgium but you need to understand that his aim was true and that the target of his aggression was, in fact, our enemy. The individual you see getting struck in that video shares the same ideology as the people we see helping hoards of military age Muslim invaders on their border crossing adventures throughout Europe. We as westerners need to completely and wholeheartedly oppose such individuals by any means necessary lest it comes to blows. If you see a mass border crossing of foreign invaders happening on television close to where you live, this author truly believes, given our current circumstances, that it is now incumbent on you to organize a group to either arrest or turn those illegal immigrants back. Likewise, if you see your fellow countrymen aiding these foreign invaders into your country it is incumbent upon you to bring those individuals to justice by any means. These traitors are participating in illegal/subversive activity and they need to be stopped.

The immigration policies of the past 30 years have led to cities like Toronto(where I currently reside) being composed of over 50% fresh off the boat immigrants and subsequently the Province of Ontario being the most indebted state per capita on the entire planet. These kind of numbers are not sustainable whatsoever and will eventually lead to a horrible collapse of social support systems and most probably complete lawlessness will follow suit. Also, keep in mind that Toronto and Ontario are separated by an ocean from the Muslim invaders of Europe, and by the United States of America from the economic opportunists of Mexico. Compare this unfeasible immigration policy being pursued in Canada to the no holds barred invasions currently taking place in Europe and you will understand why this needs to be stopped immediately.

The people currently invading Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants, same as all the others. The only difference between them and past migrants is that there is a much higher concentration of insane death cultists in their mix. If there are any actual Syrian war refugees they would be the Shia Muslims being driven out by the Sunni Islamic State fighters and the only place that they should be going to is Iran. Iran is literally the only country in the Middle East, nay, the entire planet, that is compatible with these refugees. Not that Iran would care though. Iran is too busy building nukes and fantasizing about how they’re going to use them on the only Middle Eastern country that’s actually worth a damn(Israel).

Speaking of Israel, you’ve no doubt heard of the self loathing Jew. Well, meet the meaner and more lean self loathing Westerner. Not only should we be going after the illegal invaders, but we should especially be going after the people helping them to our money once they finally get here. The immigration officials are squandering your tax dollars, your blood sweat and tears, your children’s future, and they’re squandering it on individuals who don’t give a damn about you and more often than not would rather see you dead(as decreed by their book). These employees should be afraid of the consequences of stealing from their bosses. They deserve to be completely exposed and I couldn’t think of a better way of doing this than for people to call them up claiming to be a refugees, fake booking appointments, and then getting their full names to expose them on the internet for the traitors that they are. The Nuremberg Defense is no defense and I guarantee you that this tiny bit of scrutiny would cause them to fold, resign, and cower in shame.

I don’t know about you and I wont pretend to speak for the #HeroOfBelgium but I am sick of having to look at these Muslim slave women in their self-identifying garb and their “men” in the streets of our cities. The only thing that pisses me off more than having to do this is being told that I’m a racist and a bigot by the plantation owners.

In a last ditch effort “They” will appeal to your frugality by trying to convince you that we need these immigrants for jobs that nobody wants to do or how our native populations are stagnating. To that I say we have plenty of people who are suited to these jobs, they’re called teenagers and the latter problem is very easy to solve(just ask our teenagers). The argument that they are propositioning us with today is the exact same one our ancestors faced hundreds of years ago from people like them and it goes like this: “If there’s no slaves then who’s going to pick all the cotton.?” the answer “We don’t know, but it sure as shit won’t be slaves”


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