Starving the Beast Podcast

We didn’t declare war on the dragon, the dragon declared war on us.

Read this first

Sympathy cough: Why Hillary Clinton is making us all sick and needs to suspend her campaign


Sept 8, 2016 by Jon Aube

If you looked at the number of people visiting their doctor or walk-in clinics a few days ago I will bet you any money that you would see a dramatic spike following Hillary Clintons now infamous coughing fits.

A great example of this illness manifesting itself in the every day was on display after radio host Anthony Cumia( and his listeners mocked Clinton throughout his entire show this Wednesday for her cough-attacks. He returned the next day sporting his very own shot voice. He marked unironically how it must have been karma from the previous day when it was probably something a little less woo-woo and more grounded in actual science.

If you think this is all sounding a little bit farfetched then you only need to recall a time when somebody around you started to yawn and everybody in the room with them proceeded to follow suit. This...

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The Sound of a Camels Back Breaking

The HeroOfBelgium delivers a devastating blow: “click here to watch”

written by J.D. Aubé - March 29, 2016

Is it just me or did that punch landing sound eerily similar to a camels back being broken in 10 different places?

Now, I know that I’m never supposed to condone violence under almost virtually any circumstances. At least that’s what “they” tell me, but haven’t we all had enough yet?

Who are “they” you might be wondering? They are people like the man you see getting popped in the face in the videoclip. They are the individuals who make no qualms about getting in your face to openly boast about their approval for the systemic destruction of westernized countries and cultures. Therefore it is completely understandable why they don’t want you to use violence on them. Obviously… for reasons made perfectly clear in that video. No, they would prefer to be the ones dishing out all...

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“STARVING THE BEAST PODCAST” Episode One - Aug. 15, 2015 @ 12PM EST


In the first episode Jon is going to tell his supernatural story, how it relates to the Jon, the Book of Revelations, and the End Times.

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“STARVING THE BEAST PODCAST” Episode One - Aug. 15, 2015 @ 12PM EST


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Starving the Beast Top Banner

Check out our new top banner provided to us by our friend Dom in Alberta! We’re still getting all of the infrastructure together but we should be prepared to do our first show in the coming weeks.

Stay Tuned,


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“Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring–those who keep God’s instructions and hold fast their testimony about Yahowsha.”(Rev 12:17)

john.jpgOh, did they? I think it’s high time that we start waging a little war of our own. What say you O Children of Yahowah? Starving the Beast Podcast Episode 1 coming soon….

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