Sympathy cough: Why Hillary Clinton is making us all sick and needs to suspend her campaign


Sept 8, 2016 by Jon Aube

If you looked at the number of people visiting their doctor or walk-in clinics a few days ago I will bet you any money that you would see a dramatic spike following Hillary Clintons now infamous coughing fits.

A great example of this illness manifesting itself in the every day was on display after radio host Anthony Cumia( and his listeners mocked Clinton throughout his entire show this Wednesday for her cough-attacks. He returned the next day sporting his very own shot voice. He marked unironically how it must have been karma from the previous day when it was probably something a little less woo-woo and more grounded in actual science.

If you think this is all sounding a little bit farfetched then you only need to recall a time when somebody around you started to yawn and everybody in the room with them proceeded to follow suit. This phenomenon has also been scientifically proven to happen when it comes to other half-involuntary functions such as coughing. As Provine notes in a new book"Laughter: A Scientific Investigation" and a forthcoming book tentatively titled “Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping and Beyond,"says "We don’t know at this time [what’s behind it],” he says. “For example, is it because we have a brain mechanism that when it detects that sound, replicates it, as we seem to have for laughing and yawning? Or are we simply more likely to monitor our throat, to think, ‘Oh, there’s a tickle in my throat. I have to cough.’ The apparent contagiousness of coughing may be due to enhanced self-monitoring and not to a contagious response in the way we find in contagious laughs and yawns.”

That all being said, if Hillary Clinton really does care about her potential voters or nay the entire planet, she needs to do the right thing and suspend her campaign or at least all press conferences until she is physically well enough to take questions for more than a couple of minutes without hacking up a lung and nearly dropping dead on stage. The later would cause shock and horror across the world and maybe even a few sympathy deaths. Some might even begin call this dangerous practice of watching Hillary Clinton hack her way to the presidency ‘sympathy for the devil’, and indeed, we should be having none of it.


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